Retirement Home Care & Aged Care Services In Sydney

Home Care Services
Choose from this range of HomeCare Your Way services that include meals, cleaning, laundry and personal help. Or let us know your special needs and we’ll deliver a solution for you. It’s all part and parcel of caring for you with Retirement Your Way.
HomeCare, Gerry’s Way
Frequently Asked Questions
Home Care Packages are part of a government-subsidised program designed to provide long-term support for older people who want to continue living at home. There are four different levels, each with differing amounts of funding that you can use to buy hours of care or other services and support. These funds are paid to an approved Home Care Package provider, such as Retirement Your Way, to administer on your behalf through your individualised care plan.
Home Care Package levels are based on different care and support needs. There are 4 levels, starting at Level 1 for basic care needs all the way up to Level 4 for high-level care needs. The higher the level, the more government funding you receive to help you afford more services.
You’ll be informed which level applies to you after you’ve had an Aged Care Assessment.
Here at Beauty Point Retirement Resort, our on-site nurse means that we provide all 4 levels of home care: 1, 2, 3 & 4.
If you are an older person who needs coordinated services to help you stay in your home, you may be eligible for a Home Care Package. There is no minimum age requirement, citizenship or residency restrictions. However the program is not designed for visitors to Australia or those only needing temporary or short-term care.
As part of the Home Care Package application process, an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) will visit you. They will determine if you are eligible and needing care, as well as your Home Care Package level.
Yes. If you’re a veteran you can still get a Home Care Package. You can also have a Home Care Package and Veteran’s Home Care at the same time, as well as Veteran’s Mental Health Supplement, if you are eligible.
You can call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422. They will ask you some questions to determine if you need an assessment by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT). Our team can help you with this.
The ACAT will determine if you are eligible for a Home Care Package and what level best meets your care needs.
CDC stands for Consumer Directed Care. It is a model of service delivery designed to provide you and your carers with more choice and control over the care and services you access. As of 1 July 2015, all Home Care Packages must follow CDC principles.
Consumer Directed Care is an approach to delivering care. A CDC approach should give you:
- Choices about the services you want, when you want them, and who should provide these services.
- Control over making decisions about your care.
- Information and knowledge so that you can make informed decisions.
Home Care Packages take a CDC approach. This means that instead of being assigned a provider and generic care plan, you choose an approved Home Care Package provider that suits you best and co-produce your care plan with them.
You can find more information about Home Care Packages and CDC at
HomeCare Your Way is conveniently located at Beauty Point Retirement Resort in Padstow Heights, making it easily accessible to the resort’s and local residents as well as the residents of Oasis Peakhurst.
Our staff will sit down and talk everything through with you. We’re happy to help you work out what home care services are best for you, and how to register for them. We also offer a competitive price.
HomeCare Your Way believes in the values of collaboration, possibilities and the power of people, families and their community. Our vision is to honour the human face of health care - it is a hallmark of all we believe and do.
Yes, of course. HomeCare Your Way is accessible to locals in the area, as well as the resort’s residents.
We can assist people with mild dementia.
You can find a list of our prices on the My Aged Care website here.