How our 'Iconic' staff are looking out for residents.
Posted on September 16, 2021
We are so lucky to have such a great team here at Beauty Point. They are committed to doing all they can to keep everyone safe and healthy during the current stay-at-home order, such as:
- Constantly reviewing the NSW Public Health Orders to ensure we are complying.
- Continuing to offer restaurant meal delivery to resident doors.
- Lisa and the team are continuing their daily catchups with residents via phone or face-to-face chats safely from their balconies.
- Our village shop is being stocked where possible with food items residents are requesting.
- Facilitating weekly happy hours via Teams, keeping our residents connected.
To find out how you can be part of the community here at Beauty Point Retirement Resort, call Lisa on 02 8708 4700.
Appointments are available Monday to Friday, or request an online meeting.